Canal Run
Owners/Contractor: Andy & Jim Mackintosh
This 113 acre project is located in Point of Rocks, MD, and will contain Single Family and Townhouse units. Gabe's Services provided a complete site development package - clearing, blasting, grading, compaction, utilities and streets.

Ballenger Creek Pike and Corner of Crestwood Blvd.
Over the last few years, beginning in 1999, we have been able to participate in the development of the area of Ballenger Creek Pike and Crestwood Blvd. Gabe’s Services performed sitework and installed utilities at Wawa convenience store, Ballenger Creek Apartments, KinderCare Learning Center, Edenton Assisted Living, Farmbrook Carwash (now Bubbles of Ballenger) and Advance Auto Parts.

- Hurney Master Builder, Award of Excellence
- Harkins Builders' Subcontractor of the Month Award
- 2004 Dig Smart Winner, Presented by the Maryland/D.C. Miss Utility Damage Committee
- Buckinghams's Choice, Certificate of Appreciation